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Saved by beyzam
on April 4, 2010 at 3:20:57 pm

TEDx YouTube Channel; TEDxNYED on Twitter



The Ted Talks

(Order below follows the event schedule.)

Andy Carvin - Social Media, Disaster Response And You

TEDxNYED Talk: Social Media, Disaster Response And You

David Wiley - Education and the Future


Lawrence Lessig - Openess

Jay Rosen - Open Source Journalism 


Jeff Jarvis - This is Bulls--t

TEDxNYed: This is bulls--t (notes from talk) - http://www.buzzmachine.com/2010/03/08/tedxnyed-this-is-bullshit/


George Siemens - Collapsing to Connections

Summary by George Siemens of his presentation


Dan Cohen - The Last Digit of Pi



Dan Meyer - Math Curriculum Makeover



Chris Lehmann - School 2.0: Creating the Schools We Need

Thoughts and Reactions


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